Bartender Layout




Shaman Keys

E-C-A-F = Fwd, Back,TurnLeft,TurnRight
S-D = Strafe Left, Strafe Right

W= cast Lightning Bolt
Q= use Dmg activation trinket
alt-W = Nature's Swiftness
alt-Q = 2ndary trinket (medallion of the horde)

..Fast dmg lightningbolt = Q, alt-W, W..
..Fast Pwr Heal = Q, alt-W, healbot target click
(middle button = chain heal)

G = GroundingTotem. Shift-G = TremorTotem
V = Purge

T= Tidal Force
R = Riptide, Shift-R = Riptide self
z = Lifeblood (herbalism HoT)
shift-Z = Racial (stomp)

Shift-C = Fire Nova Totem
Shift-V = Magma Totem

B Macro..
Shift-B = FlameTongueTotem
B[nomodifier] sequence= stoneskin totem, Wrath of Air Totem, Mana Spring


Alt+V = Fire Resistance Totem
Alt+B = Frost Resistance Totem

Alt+X= ->protection activation (Felblossum =absorbs 750 - 1500 dmg)
->or other protection pot, item , etc *can macro sequence of item uses.

Shift+4, 4 = WindShock
(interrupt cast + aggro reduce)

Quick Shift-actionbar combos:

Shift+1, 1 = water shield (self)
Shift+1, ctrl+1 = earth shield (self)

Shift+3, 3 = Lightning bolt
2 = chain lightning

Shift+3, : 4 = flame shock
5 = earth shock
6 = frost shock

Warlock Sequence Key:
L = Tremor Totem, Grounding Totem
shift+L = Fire Nova Totem

Up arrow = attack
Down arrow = dismount
Left arrow = stop attacking
Right arrow = stop casting

H = Assist
Focus Target = M
Target Focus = N


left mouse -> target bar = lesser heal
middlemouse-> target bar = chain heal
rightmouse -> target bar = greater heal

Shift + left mouse -> target bar = Riptide
Shift + mid. mouse -> target bar = Bandage
Shift + rightmouse -> target bar = assist

alt + left mouse -> target bar = cleanse spirit

Ctrl + left mouse -> target bar = earth shield
Ctrl + rightmouse -> target bar = ancestral spirit (rez)